All first posts of newly created accounts in our 'Community forum' are subject to review before being published. Upon approval of your first posting, subsequent posts will be automatically published. Before submitting your post, please consider the following guidelines: 👇
- Check if the topic is not already existing. If so, feel free to contribute to the existing thread.
- Does the title sound interesting if you read it out loud? Is it a good summary of your post?
- Who would be interested in this? Why does it matter? What kind of responses do you expect?
- Account-related inquiries or personal information should not be shared. In such cases, you are always welcome to contact our customer care team.
- Include commonly used words in your topic so others can find it. To group your topic with related topics, select a category (or tag).
- Show kindness and respect to other community members.
- Constructive criticism is always welcome when focused on ideas, not people.
- Avoid posting promotional links or including such in comments. Advertising of any sort will be discouraged.