The TIN is a unique identifier used for tax reporting purposes. We need it to comply with financial regulations.
Where can I find my TIN?
On various types of documents based on the issuing country.
For example, in the UK, the TIN is the National Insurance Number (NIN). It can be found on payslips, P60s, letters about tax, pensions and benefits, and through your personal tax account.
📄 If you don't know your TIN, refer to your local tax authority for advice.
Common TINs:
🇫🇷 France - Numéro Fiscal de Référence (NIF)
🇮🇹 Italy - Codice Fiscale (CF)
🇪🇸 Spain - Documento Nacional de Identidad / Numero de Identidad de Extranjero (DNI / NIE)
🇵🇹 Portugal - Número de Identificação Fiscal (NIF)
🇷🇴 Romania - Cod Numeric Personal sau Codul de identificare fiscală (CNP / CIF)
🇧🇬 Bulgaria - Bulgarian Personal Number (ЕГН)
🇮🇪 Ireland - Personal Public Service Number (PPS)