An offline debit card transaction refers to a payment made with your Trading 212 debit card that is processed without immediately connecting to Trading 212 account for authorization.
How does it work?
When you make an offline transaction, it does not immediately check your balance in real-time. Instead, it is processed later, usually at the end of the business day. During this time, the transaction is "pending," and the funds will not be withdrawn from your account until the transaction is processed.
What are the benefits of offline debit transactions?
- Useful as a backup when online systems are unavailable.
- Often smoother for merchants with high customer volumes, as it saves time at checkout.
What are the drawbacks of offline debit transactions?
- Since the transaction is not processed immediately, it can make it harder for you to track your current available balance.
- Potential for negative balance if multiple offline transactions are processed at once without real-time account updates.
What is a force post transaction?
A force post transaction occurs when a merchant processes a debit card payment without obtaining real-time authorization from Trading 212. Force post transactions allow the merchant to complete the sale, even when the authorization system is down or unavailable. The transaction is "forced" through the system, and Trading 212 will process it at a later time.
Why is a force post transaction used?
- Network or System Issues: If a merchant's payment network is down or a bank’s authorization system is temporarily unavailable, the merchant may choose to force the transaction.
- Pre-Authorized Transactions: Force posting may be used when a transaction has already been pre-authorized but needs to be finalized later without a new authorization.
- Manual Overrides: In rare cases, merchants can manually override a declined transaction (often after checking with the card issuer), allowing the transaction to go through.