When you're about to create a new Trading 212 account, you can check the list of countries where we offer our services.
Based on your country of residence, your newly created account would be under one of our three entities.
Entities and associated countries 👇
Trading 212 UK Ltd.
United Kingdom | Guernsey | Kuwait | Oman |
Bahrain | Gibraltar | Moldova | Peru |
Bolivia | Honduras | Macedonia | Philippines |
Colombia | Isle of Man | Mexico | Serbia |
Ecuador | Jersey | Qatar | Thailand |
United Arab Emirates | El Salvador | Angola | Ghana |
Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia |
Trading 212 Markets Ltd.
Austria | Denmark | Germany | Ireland |
Bulgaria | Estonia | Greece | Italy |
Croatia | Finland | Guadeloupe | Latvia |
Republic of Cyprus | France | Hungary | Liechtenstein |
Czech Republic | French Guiana | Iceland | Lithuania |
Luxembourg | Martinique | Poland | Reunion |
Malta | Netherlands | Portugal | Slovakia |
Mayotte | Norway | Romania | Slovenia |
Spain | Sweden | Switzerland |
Trading 212 AU PTY Ltd.
Australia |
Trading 212 FXFlat
Germany |